Who, Why and How to join?
Who can join?
Anyone can join Team π if you are a high-school student or higher. There are different levels regarding age in what you are and are not allowed to do within the team. This has to do with game regulations and is there so the FIRST Robotics Competition stays accessible to High schools.
Members of the age of 18 or younger can be operators of the robot or human player. Also they can participate in activities like designing, programming and building the robot.
Members who are older than 18 and that follow a study at a college or university are not allowed to help design, program and build the robot. They will help and guide the high school students through the process.
If you want to join and are already working ten you can become a mentor to guide high-schoolers and students in their process with professional insights and advice
Why to join
Why should you join Team π you may ask yourself? Well let me tell you why you should join!
At team π you will have a guaranteed fun time building and learning about robotics. You will join a team that welcomes everyone with open arms and is willing to teach you everything they know. So yes you will learn things about robots, but not only in a classroom environment. No, you will also get hands-on experience to see theoretical principles that you learn about in action.
To be a member of Team π is also very exciting. When you join you also have the incredible opportunity to join us on a trip to the United States of America(!) to see and experience the robot, you helped to build, compete at Regionals. You also get the opportunity there to meet different people from all over the world with the same mindset as you and to connect with them.
How to join?
Send an email to info@teampi.nl. We get in touch with you as soon as possible. From then we will make an appointment to meet each other!