28-01-2024 EXTRA UPDATE

Hey, here with an extr update. Of course there will be one next Tuesday as well, but we have some stuff to share and we could not wait to do so!

So to start, last Saterday (27-01-2024) the team was hard at work to get everything moved from our storage to our build location. They were done quick and everything has been moved. So now everything is in one place and we are able to work much more efficient!

Since the moving went so quick and some members had time in the evening as well we continued with our robot which is also comming along quite nicely. We have taken delivery of all lasercut parts needed and the materials for the chassis was already delivered.

Unfortunatly the materials for the chassis were not the correct thickness, but on the up side we will have 2 bots this year hopefully.

So how is our robot coming along you might ask?

Quite well if you ask us, even though we are slightly behind on the schedule. This unfortunatly happend because we are missing some parts for our newly designed swerve modules.

But besides that our robot, which still needs a name, is taking shape very nicely. It will be our test robot due to the incorrect thickness of the chassis tubes but the shooter and intake will be able to be tested driving this way. And also our drivers can start to practice when all departments are finished with it.

So this is were we are at currently. A chassis with a shooter on top. the rest of the parts like the intake and swerve are almost on. The electronics still need some work and the layout of everything also still needs finalising but we hope we can have it driving at the end of Tuesday.

So, I will hopefully see you again then to show our progress!

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