05-03-2024 Update
It feels like we just entered week 2 but here we are in week 8 already!
So as some of you might have seen in the last post there was a design in for our copmetition robot, however we have simplefied some bits due to various reasons. The general shape will remain but we will not flip up our shooter. We are however looking if we can sneak a bar in just before the last round of manufacturing parts to be able to score the AMP all the time.
So you could say that our BETA robot will look very simular to our competition robot and you would be correct! some subsystems will be completly trasfered to our competition robot, others will be slichtly chaged or serviced before the final assembly.
So since BETA resembles the competition robot so closely now, our drive team has been bussy trying to get to grips with the machine and has been going quite well. And to show you how well here is a video of some cycles!