FIRST Robotics Competition

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is an annual competition in which highschool students from all over the world compete. Founded by inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen and his organization in 1992 to inspire more students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, arts & crafts and mathematics (STEAM) by engaging them in a unique and challenging robotics experience.
Since 1992 the FRC has grown massively.
From 28 teams meeting in a high-school gym in 1992 to 3.225 teams competing in the 2022 game with the World Championship held in the Expo Centre, Houston, Texas!

Every year a new game is revealed on the first Saturday of the year. The game is revealed in a short video complimented with a rule book specific for that year’s game. After that follow six weeks in which all teams strategies for, designs, builds, tests and iterates their robot to the best of their ability.
After those six weeks the competition period starts. During this period teams compete for District and Regional wins, State Championships and prestigious awards with the aim to win a ticket to the World Championship in Houston, Texas.

The video to the right is a recap of the two regionals Team π played in 2023. Have a watch since it can give a good representation of what happens during the competition period. Even in between the two Regionals that the team played they were iterating to improve Phinix!

Vision of FIRST

FIRST has programmes from all age levels with FIRST Robotics Competition being the premier level of competition. FIRST Lego League is the most international with over 35 thousand teams all over the world, FIRST Tech Challenge has around 8 thousand teams world wide and the FIRST Robotics Competition with over 3.2 thousand teams world wide.

Their vision is to get more kids interested in science, technologie, engineering, arts & crafts and mathematics (STEAM). With all the different levels of robotics competitions they offer they guide students into STEAM-fields in a fun, interacting and engaging environment.

The vision of Team π is in line with that of FIRST. We try to teach students and members in STEAM-fields so that they are able to build a better and more sophisticated robot each year. Not only the hard skills are looked at by Team π, we also help with soft skills that will translate in all ways to life.