Robotics Team π
Robotics Team π
Robotics Team Pi creates an environment where endless individuals are intrinsic motivated and inspired in becoming their best selves by engaging into STEAM challenges.

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Competition
Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. We call FIRST Robotics Competition the ultimate Sport for the Mind. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.” Under strict rules, limited resources, and an intense six-week time limit, teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team “brand,” hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team.

Infinity Foundation
Stichting Infinity™ is the foundation that hosts a robotics team in The Netherlands. Robotics Team π competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Students from Fontys University of Applied Sciences as well as High school students are members of the teams. With this robotics team the students gain knowledge and experience in STEM related skills. With all these experience Stichting STEMec™ wants to create it’s own robotics competition that fits the Dutch education system. With this robotics competition more students and young people can learn about science and technology in a fun and challenging way.